
Uni is a rollercoaster, but it’s your rollercoaster. Make it fun, go easy on yourself, and use these tips to survive, thrive, and maybe even enjoy the ride! See you on campus, Narrm Scholar 🎉


Common First-Year Crises

1. “Wait… there’s a reading list?”

That sinking feeling when you realise halfway through the semester that, yes, you were supposed to be doing the readings. All of them.

2. “I have 3 assignments due on the same day”

It hits you like a freight train - everything is due tomorrow, and you haven’t even started. Cue panic.

3. “Who am I? What am I doing here? What’s the meaning of life?”

The classic existential crisis hits you when your first lecture in economics sounds like a foreign language, and you question your entire degree choice.

4. Getting Lost on Campus (for the 5th Time)

You thought you had the layout of campus down, but then you somehow end up at the wrong building, on the wrong side of the street, in a completely different faculty.

5. “I haven’t made any friends yet”

You’re a few weeks in, and everyone else seems to have found their crew while you’re still eating lunch solo.

6. “Public transport is a nightmare”

First time on Melbourne’s public transport and somehow you’ve ended up three suburbs away. Yeah, we get it.

7. “Why didn’t anyone tell me uni is so expensive?”

Between textbooks, coffee, rent, and nights out, your bank account is crying.

8. The Group Project Horror Story

You’re doing 90% of the work, one person disappeared, and no one can agree on a time to meet. Classic.

General Survival Tips

📒 Notes, Notes, Notes

Handwritten vs. Digital Notes

Our Verdict: Do both! Scribble for chill classes and type when the lecturer speaks at 2x speed. Mix it up like a true first-year.

Is a Laptop a Must?

It’s handy but not essential. Most libraries lend laptops, and some classrooms still rock computers that look straight out of the ‘90s. Either way, if you’re buying, go light! A laptop should be a helpful tool, not a new workout regimen.

📚 Secret Recipe for Academic Success

🧘 Wellness & Self-Care Vibes

📅 Mastering Semester Prep

🌄 Life on Campus: The Perks, the People, the Plot Twists

📅 Bonus Round