Welcome to the broke-but-brilliant phase of your life! Whether you’re saving for Euro summers, your next overpriced latte, or just trying to not cry at your bank balance, this guide is here to help you stretch every dollar while keeping life (relatively) fun.


Important Note: If you’re eligible, Centrelink’s Youth Allowance can help support you while you’re studying. It’s not just for textbooks, but also for your rent, groceries, and all the other expenses that come with uni life. Make sure to check out the eligibility criteria—it’s worth applying if you’re in need of some extra cash!


💸 Know Where Your Money’s Going (Tracking 101)

Pro tip: Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your bank account!

🛒 Clever Grocery Shopping = Chef’s Kiss 🍳

🚫 Avoid Lifestyle Inflation (Without Becoming a Hermit)

📚 Hustle Smarter, Not Harder

🆓 Free Fun is the Best Kind of Fun