
We asked current Narrm Scholars to tell us what they wish they’d been told in their first semester…this is what they said!



Attend o-week as much as possible! Moving to university and leaving high school means that you can be an entirely different person if you want to. You're no longer bound to the perceptions that your peers held of you in high school, so be as different as you want to be – nonchalant or not. O-week is the perfect time to make friends. I met my closest uni friends currently during then, simply because I acted a little more extroverted and found the courage to speak to the girl next to me at a seminar, which cascaded into meeting a bunch more others (they know now that I'm usually very quiet and unlike how I was at o-week...)



The point of the first year is to just have a go, these grades don’t matter. Take subjects you like, take different classes



During my first semester, I spent way too much time stressing over assignments and trying to make everything perfect. But guess what? No one cares if your notes are a bit messy or if you didn’t have time to make a study guide that looks Pinterest ready lol. Get the basics done and don’t beat yourself up about the rest. Trust me it’s way better to get stuff done than try to be a flawless studytuber or something like that.



Use the common room :) we put a lot of work into it xoxo a narrm scholar who helped design it <3



Everyone talks about how uni is life changing and so amazing, but it’s not always like that in the beginning. You’ll have some days where you’re like ‘What did I sign up for?!’ and that’s okay. It’s a process!! Some people take ages to find their groove, and some never do. Just go with it and things will start clicking, I promise <3



Don't get too in your head. Keep up with your work and it won't be impossible.



Got any tips/love letters/useless platitudes of your own? Drop them here for future Narrm Scholars.
